624.016, 693.955
The article considers the development of construction technologies in St. Petersburg. Using a pre-developed questionnaire, architectural, strength and economic characteristics of construction systems with different technologies were estimated by the method of expert survey of specialists. Taking into account the applied construction materials, there has been made an analysis of evolution of construction technologies development, means of mechanization, and construction techniques.
- жилищное строительство
- технология возведения зданий
- крупнопанельное домостроение
- монолитное домостроение
- кирпичное домостроение
- сборно-монолитное строительство
- строительные краны
- автобетононасосы
- специализированный автомобильный транспорт
- уровень механизации
- место строительства
- область применения технологии домостроения
- анкета
- баллы
- экспертная оценка
- housing construction
- building production technology
- standardized large-panel housing construction
- cast-in-place housing construction
- brick housing construction
- industrialized construction
- construction cranes
- truck concrete pumps
- specialized road transport
- level of mechanization
- construction site
- application of technology of housing construction
- questionnaire
- points
- expert assessment