The purpose of this study is assessing of the bearing capacity of drilling pile for high-rise construction and underground structures. The article presents the results of analytical calculations of the bearing capacity of pile for a high-rise building with a deep pit. Currently, the bearing capacity of the pile is determined according to the SP 24.13330 «Pile Foundations» regulated method applied in regard to piles with maximum depth of the pile toe bulb up to 40 m. However, the conditions of modern high-rise construction require the use of piles with a much greater depth of laying, and there are no recommendations for the calculation of such piles in the technical regulations. The authors present the results of analytical calculations of the bearing capacity of the pile with a depth of more than 40 m performed by various methods. The results of calculations have been compared with numerical modeling and field tests of the pile at the construction site. Recommendations on the calculation of the pile are offered taking into account the development of a deep pit.
- расчеты несущей способности сваи без учета экстраполяции и с ее учетом
- расчет сваи по прочностным характеристикам грунта
- calculation of the pile bearing capacity without taking into account extrapolation and taking into account extrapolation
- calculation of the pile on the strength characteristics of soil