Review article

An expert approach to assessing the factors of influence on the management of the «St. Petersburg-Matoxa» infrastructure project








Using as an example the planned infrastructure project «Linear object of regional significance «Highway of regional significance «St. Petersburg-Matoxa», the authors propose by applying a number of expert analytical procedures to assess the factors that have a significant impact on the adoption of appropriate management decisions. These factors, by their origin and content, relate to various aspects of territorial development, such as social, economic, environmental, technological, geopolitical aspects, as well as the ones taking into account security issues. in the course of the study, Harrington's numerical-verbal scale, Likert summative rating scales, Saaty hierarchy analysis method and entropy analysis method were used and processed sequentially. At a high level of consistency of expert judgments, there have been identified key factors that can have a significant impact on management decisions related to the implementation of this infrastructure project.


Menshikova T. V. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

Tutygin A. G. N. P. Laverov Federal Center for integrated Arctic Research Arkhangelsk, Russia

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