Review article

Features of the behavior of seismically isolated railway bridges at seismic impacts of various levels








The paper considers the behavior of the railway bridge abutment in the event of an earthquake of different magnitudes. Three levels of earthquake impacts are considered: design earthquake, moderate earthquake and maximum design earthquake. The impacts of different magnitudes were specified by synthetic accelerograms and accelerograms of earthquakes which took place in the past. For comparison, three variants of supporting the span structure on the abutment are considered: rigid, on non-optimally selected seismic isolation, on optimally selected seismic isolation. Longitudinally movable supporting parts in the form of a package of flexible rods of LLC «Stroykompleks-5» company are used as seismic isolation.


Kondratieva L. N. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

Nesterova O. P. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

Dolgaya A. A. AO «TRANSMOST» St. Petersburg, Russia

Shermukhamedov U. Z. Tashkent State Transport University Tashkent, Uzbekistan

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