Review article

Information and architecture








The study introduces a concept from the category of the Unknowable, namely, the concept of “Beauty”, which has been forgotten by architectural historians. This concept is regarded as a set of signs of the visual language of architecture conveying to people information about the laws of the Universe and the planet Earth - information necessary for human consciousness to understand man`s place in the world. The hypothesis refers to the little developed by modern semiology “existential approach” [1], but, which is more important, it adjoins to the most ancient revelations of theologians and philosophers, who recognized the presence of the Highest Powers. The article attempts to answer the questions: which information is contained in the signs of architectural language, starting from ancient temples? What hypostases does it acquire when man creates the “second nature”? How is it stored in Culture and realized in the design process? What is the point of studying the past experience in the course of architectural education? The relevance of the proposed approach to the language of architecture is conditioned by the informational inferiority of modern mass construction, which leads to severe violations of the physical and mental health of residents.


Slavina T. A. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia