Review article

An integrated approach to Lake Ladoga shore spatial organization with a priority for the ecological tourism development








The article is devoted to the issue of ecological tourism that is regarded as a priority for the development of the territorial recreational system at Lake Ladoga shore, while the role of landscape-route corridors forming recreational axes is performed by ecological routes. The organization of landscape recreation is considered as a way to solve the problem of conservation of natural complexes, the formation of the ecological framework of the territory. The article presents the results of studying the experience of planning the territories of natural parks, including the Vodlozersky National Park and offers a set of planning methods and technique for their implementation for the development of ecological tourism on the shores of Lake Ladoga. The result of the study is the proposal to create a unified spatial scheme for organizing the territory, covering the entire coastline of Lake Ladoga and combining territorial planning schemes of the Leningrad Region and the Republic of Karelia.


Proshina A. S. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

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