At the reconstruction of production premises and facilities, modernization of technological equipment in the conditions of going on production process it is reasonable to ensure the shortest time and reduce the estimated cost of construction works through a crucial preliminary study of organizational and technological solutions and methods of installation of building structures and equipment. For the modernization to be carried out, it is necessary to plan and implement a complex of measures aimed at streamlining and systematizing the construction works implementation at the construction site. On the basis of the performed analysis, it can be concluded that the use of standard methods of producing work requires significant preparatory activities and additional costs. The currently valid regulations and rates were developed for construction and installation work performed in normal conditions. They do not always take into account complicating factors of construction and installation works for reconstruction of existing enterprises, such as overcrowded premises, gas-polluted air, availability of existing equipment in the immediate area of works, etc.
- организационно-технологическая структура
- классификация способов монтажа
- модернизация действующих производств
- технология бескранового монтажа
- organizational and technological structure
- classification of installation methods
- modernization of existing facilities
- technology of installation without using a crane