There has been developed and presented a scientifically substantiated technique of saving energy resources at mound storage of environmentally friendly vegetable production in autumn period in the climatic conditions which necessitate a reliable forecasting of the temperature fall rate. Variants of each production type storage in separate sections are considered, which allows flexibly regulating and adjusting the temperature of the external and internal air mixture to the minimum admissible values. On the basis of the pilot analytical calculation, the process of temperature field formation in the cooled mound is reliably predicted. The assessment of the geometrical and regime parameters effect of the «air - mound» system for selecting the optimal energy saving combinations is submitted. Requirements are formulated to the curves of the external air temperature stand at night time during the autumn period. Implementation of these requirements will allow improving the use possibilities of natural cold in a number of regions with continental and temperate warm climate. An example of calculation and selection of the parameters of the «air - potato tubers mound» cooling system providing an effective use of natural cold in climatic conditions of St. Petersburg is given.