Review article

The effect of the filter radius on the shape optimization of a shell in COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS








The shape optimization process of shells in COMSOL Multiphysics simulation platform occurs by deforming the mesh in the existing geometry and, in order to avoid too large deformations of the model elements, before calculating it is necessary to adjust special controlled parameters, and set the required value of the filter radius ( R <sub>min</sub>). A properly selected value of the filter radius enables to find the most effective design version. The computational experiment on the selection of the filter radius is carried out using three gradient methods in the COMSOL Multiphysics program, namely, MMA, SNOPT, and iPOPT. A monolithic smooth spherical dome made of concrete is taken as the test shell under study. The main stages of the work are the following: demonstration of the general algorithm of shape optimization in the program, calculation of the shell with setting different values of the filter radius using three gradient methods and selection of the optimal solution. it is established that setting of the minimum value of the filter radius can lead to deformation of the model and the appearance of irregularities, while setting of too large filter radius leads to only small changes in the geometry, gradually leaving the model almost in its original version. it has been found that the investigated parameter R <sub>min </sub>has a significant impact on the final optimization result. Thus, before performing the calculation, the necessary parameters, restrictions, and criteria must be established. incorrect setting of some elements can lead to an unrealistic optimization result.


Ermakova E. V. RUdN University Moscow, Russia

Rynkovskaya M. I. RUdN University Moscow, Russia

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