Title | Pages |
Imitation model of seismic loading on the equipment in the building with a sliding belt Shul`man G. S. |
68-74 |
Concerning the bending rigidity of reinforced beam column Kovaleva P. A. |
75-78 |
Research of the concrete beam by the finite element method Kotov A. A. |
79-85 |
Comparative analysis of convergence of 3D FEM models for the problem of bending a thick isotropic plate with clamped edges Shirunov G. N., Tugutov Sh. S., Nidzhad A., Sarvilin D. A. |
86-95 |
Title | Pages |
Design of the vibro-formed piles in the conditions of weak water-saturated loess soil Mangushev R. A., Usmanov R. A. |
96-104 |
Title | Pages |
The study of heat and mass transfer process in the evaporative humidifier by experimental and numerical methods Averyanov V. K., Anisimov S. M., Kanev M. A. |
105-109 |
Guidelines for calculating sequencing batch reactors with wastewater upflow and consistent nitrification-denitrification process Akmentina A. V. |
110-114 |
Calculation of the amount of gas moving in sewer network under the action of leading ability of the fluid and the pressure difference across the ends of the settlement area (natural draft) |
115-119 |
Title | Pages |
Substantiation of the required strength and reliability of road construction based on imitation simulation Gromov V. A. |
120-126 |
Static calculation of reinforced concrete pavement slabs of motor road clothes on an elastic foundation Kumashov R. V. |
127-132 |
Title | Pages |
Research and selection of composition of lubricant coolant liquid for processing parts with disk tools with a hard alloy surface layer Karimov Sh. A., Umarov Eh. A. |
133-136 |
Recommendations for selecting rational parameters of the rotary device for compaction of the ballast layer Polianichko N. V. |
137-141 |
Simulation of controlling oscillations process in the vibration construction machines by using hydraulic shock absorbers Litvin R. A. |
142-149 |
Title | Pages |
About the use of high-speed rail transport in transport systems of the world largest agglomerations Kalyuzhny N. A. |
150-162 |
Perspective fast growth points in the land transport personnel training Korabelnikov S. K. |
163-168 |
Title | Pages |
Models of implementing investment and construction projects and taking them into account at the contractor selection process within the public procurement system Filippov A. S. |
169-180 |
Methodological tools for risk assessmentof industrial enterprises Kulagovskiy E. V. |
181-185 |
Evaluating the efficiency of using the information modeling technology at the implementation of investment and construction projects Lushnikov A. S. |
186-194 |
Advantages and disadvantages of involving foreign investors to participation in projects of public-private partnership in the Russian Federation Ofin V. P., Provotorov I. A. |
195-200 |
The implementation of the principles of openness and transparency at the formation of the business state support policy Petukhova Zh. G. |
201-209 |
Algorithm of monitoring and adjusting the parameters of the project of the highway construction at the use of public-private partnerships Frolov V. I., Balzanay S. V. |
210-213 |
Title | Pages |
Transformation of the system of transcendental equations with application of the energy levels method Narbut L. K., Bukunova O. V. |
214-216 |
Title | Pages |
About construction bio-material influence on complex life safety of low-rise building objects Losev K. Yu. |
217-220 |