This article presents a study of the features and realization efficiency of the Building Regulations referring to the riverside territories of Saint-Petersburg - Leningrad in the period from the XIX century up to the end of the XX century. During the capitalist period of Saint-Petersburg development, these Regulations were a part of the Russian Construction Regulations and were realized by the City governors and the municipal bodies (Duma and Uprava). In the socialist period of development, starting from 1924 when the city was renamed Leningrad, development regulations in regard to the city including the coastal territories were directives of the local executive authorities. They were determined by political and economic requirements of the Soviet state and implemented by the city executive authorities. In this regard, the efficiency of the Regulations should be analyzed basing on the results of forming the territories along the Neva River banks and the coastal areas of the Gulf of Finland.
- Правила застройки
- прибрежные территории
- Городской план Санкт-Петербурга
- Генеральный план Ленинграда
- градостроительное регулирование
- градостроительное развитие
- застройка территорий
- функциональное зонирование
- Building Regulations
- riverside territories
- City Plan of Saint-Petersburg
- General Plan of Leningrad
- urban planning regulation
- urban development
- construction development of the territories
- functional zoning