Goryunov V. S.

The article considers the proposals of the Russian architects and engineers (L. N. Benois, M. S. Lyalevich, G. D. Dubelir, G.
UDC: 72.07:(711.1)
The article is devoted to studying the role of classical architectural tradition in the Art Nouveau period. Interaction of Neoclassicism and Neo-Romanticism in the architecture of Finland is analyzed.
UDC: 72.01
This article presents a study of the features and realization efficiency of the Building Regulations referring to the riverside territories of Saint-Petersburg - Leningrad in the period from the XIX c
UDC: 72.07:(711.1+721.011)
The article describes the role of romantic tradition in the European architecture of the end of XIX - beginning of the XX century. The significant contribution of W. R.
UDC: 72.01
The origin of the term "Liberty" is considered. The destiny of the Art Nouveau style which emerged in the Italian architecture at the end of XIX - beginning of the XX century is discussed.
UDC: 72.01
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