Review article

Investigation of the adsorption activity of carbon adsorbent for water purification obtained by thermochemical destruction of paper mill sewage sludge


628.1, 628.3






At present, fresh water sources continue to be polluted by industrial wastewater. At the same time, the materials used for water purification do not fully meet the modern growing needs of science, technology and industry. The use of various inexpensive carbon-containing wastes as adsorbents remains an urgent task to this day. The author proposes a new raw material for the production of a carbon adsorbent for water purification, which makes it possible to utilize the waste of industrial enterprises. There has been studied adsorption activity of the resulting carbon adsorbent, as well as the factors influencing this indicator.


Dmitrieva K. G. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

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