Review article

Method for assessing the rigidity characteristics of building structures using flexural waves








The article is devoted to the method of quality monitoring of building structures` materials, brickwork, in particular. According to the authors` opinion, the most convenient and promising method is the currently used non-destructive monitoring, namely, the method using flexural waves freely excited at the surface of building structure. Thus, inter alia, the method of surface waves for assessing the integral strength of concrete and brickwork makes it possible to carry out the monitoring with one-side access to the structure without removing the coverings including metal insulation. There has been set the task to assess the rigidity characteristics of the brickwork by processing the test results using linear extrapolation technique. The theoretical and experimental analysis performed has not only shown good convergence of the results, but also demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed method for assessing the strength of the material and discovering structural defects.


Fan Ch. D. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

Savin D. A. 23 GMPISS St. Petersburg, Russia

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