Review article

Methods for calculating the vehicle speed based on photo and video materials during the reconstruction of road traffic accident








The article discusses various methods for calculating the vehicle speed based on photo and video materials during the reconstruction of a road traffic accident. Some foreign methods of calculating the vehicle speed from photo and video materials are analyzed, the calculation being done in relation to the location of the object under study and the recording device. The authors show the application of one of the methods in practice. The Amped Five software product has processed the video recording under study, which is necessary for further assessing of the vehicle speed. As a result, there has been made a calculation of the speed of the motorcycle using the technique of moving the object to the specified distance in relation to the stationary objects by video recording. The obtained value of the motorcycle speed coincided with the calculated value obtained using the method based on the work of forces on movement», which confirms the reliability of the values obtained. Thus, as the analysis shows, the use of photo and video materials in the investigation of a road traffic accident can significantly increase the level of reliability and correctness in the reconstruction of the accident.


Evtyukov S. A. Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

Vorozheikin I. V. Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

Journal Issue