Review article

Operation of thin-walled steel rods pre-stressed by the wall tension under random dynamic influences








A method for prestressing thin-walled beams with an asymmetric cross section is described. The parameters of the stressed and strained state of the rods are established. By comparing the kinetic and potential energies of composite rods, the circular frequency and angular velocity of conventional and pre-stressed beams when loaded with a single load are determined using the energy method. Stressed and deformed state of ordinary and pre-stressed steel beams under sudden single rotation of the section of the support node has been investigated. It has been established that pre-stressing does not affect the stressed and strained state of the support nodes. The maximum influence of the pre-stressing is set in the area of the maximum moment from the external load. The bearing capacity of the beams changes insignificantly with a sudden single rotation of the support nodes.


Kravchuk V. A. Pacific National University

Kravchuk E. V. Far Eastern State Transport University

Journal Issue