Review article

Problems of intra-quarter territory development in St. Petersburg historical center








It is pointed out that over recent years, there has been actively pursued the search for additional territory resources intended for becoming the basis for further urban development of the city center. An assumption is made that along with the urban sites of the city «gray belt», which adjoin the periphery of the habitable territory in the center, intra-quarter territories may be regarded as a significant reserve. The uniqueness of the morphotype of the urban districts formed here is revealed. The ambiguity of views on the prospects for their further development is shown, with a due account of the presence of large gaps in the system of land use and land tenure. It is proposed to regard the undeveloped intra-quarter territories of the city center as a kind of enclave, where the principles of market economy and land use laws fail to function. It is emphasized that the dominant policy dictating the need for preservation of the current situation will be subjected to strong testing if commercial factors significantly influence the regulation of urban development. Taking into account the relevant international experience, hypothetical prospects of intra-quarter territories development in the center of St. Petersburg are considered.


Lavrov L. P. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Krasnopolskiy A. F. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Molotkova E. G. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

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