Review article

Research of energetics of quantamobile acceleration








The concept of a perspective class of vehicles - quantomobiles realizing draught (thrust) of the quantum engine (QE) - demands consideration of energetics of vehicle motion. In the Simulink-model of near-ground quantomobile acceleration (MNGQA) developed by the author, there has been worked out a scheme of the two-parameter control by force of the thrust: according to the size of the thrust vector and to the vector slope angle. The subsystem MNGQA Energetics allows to investigate formation of performance and power inputs at quantomobile motion simulation. On the basis of the hypothetical quantomobile model (analogue of the lorry KamAZ-4326), there are realized numerical examples of the vehicle motion acceleration, which allows to estimate the role of the scheme of controlling thrust in formation of the acceleration efficiency and to reveal the features of calculation of power inputs on longitudinal motion of the vehicle with its vertical lifting. MNGQA is considered as a basis for development of quantomobile motion modeling in random conditions.


Kotikov Ju. G. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering St. Petersburg, Russia

Journal Issue