With the use of the multi-module theory of elasticity, there have been obtained basic concepts and calculated dependences for heavy armored cement as a multi-module material. This approach allows taking into account the specifics of heavy armored cement behavior, including consideration of possible cracking in stretched areas where only the reinforcement works and, on the contrary, in compressed zones, the compatibility of reinforcement and concrete is taken into account. Within the framework of the accepted model of the multi-module theory of elasticity, sufficient conditions for the uniqueness of solution are formed, which guarantees obtaining an adequate result. The authors demonstrate that the discrepancy between the classical and multi-modular theory of elasticity is only in the physical relations that establish a connection between the statics and the geometry of the problem - between stresses and strains.
- разномодульная теория упругости
- физические соотношения
- модули упругости
- коэффициенты Пуассона
- коэффициент линейного расширения
- области 1-го и 2-го рода
- достаточные условия единственности решения
- главные миноры матрицы
- потенциальная энергия деформации
- обобщенное плоское деформационное состояние
- направляющие косинусы
- multi-module theory of elasticity
- physical relations
- moduli of elasticity
- Poisson coefficients
- linear dilation coefficient
- regions of the 1st and 2nd kind
- sufficient conditions of the solution uniqueness
- major matrix minors
- potential deformation energy
- generalized plane deformation state
- directional cosines